Wednesday 6 August 2008

Arizona Ends Temporary Health Insurance Program For People With Disabilities

The Arizona Legislature and Gov. Janet Napolitano (D) have eliminated the SSDI-Temporary Medical Coverage program to save about $8.35 million as the state Department tries to reduce a $2 1000000000 fiscal yr 2008-2009 budget deficit, the Arizona Republic reports. The program, which ended July 15, provided temporary health care reportage for the great unwashed who are ineligible for Medicare or the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System because they moldiness wait deuce years after receiving a disability conclusion before enrolling in Medicare.

About 1,three hundred people with disabilities in the state had no health coverage because of the linguistic rule, so the program was created deuce years agone to allow them to pay a premium to gain reporting through AHCCCS until they were eligible for Medicare. Rainey Daye Holloway, a spokesperson for AHCCCS, aforementioned that around 538 people enrolled as of November 2007, when the